Dispelling common misconceptions about workplace safety
Forklift safety barriers, personal protective equipment, and safety programs; these are all terms you should be familiar with. We believe that safety in the workplace is not discussed enough and often dismissed all too easily. Whereas in fact, it is the most important factor that should be considered before anything else that goes on in the warehouse. As such, in this blog, Workplace Pedestrian Safety will be going over some of the common misconceptions about workplace safety and correcting them. Safety will always and should always be your number one priority. 

Myth 1: It’s too expensive and non-profitable
Let’s dispel the myth that many business owners believe; that safety programs do not provide a return on investment. Unsafe work environments lay the foundation for a poorly run business. If the foundation of a business is layed out incorrectly, everything else is bound to fall apart; you can’t build a house on dodgy foundations, it just won’t work. 

Refusing to invest in safety programs will lead to poor employee wellbeing, low morale, and a lot of money being spent on compensation claims, damaged products, government penalties etc. Trust us when we say safety programs are worth investing in and will end up saving you a lot of money down the track; your business will be better off! 

Myth 2: Accidents are bound to happen no matter what
Ignorant people believe that no matter how many safety precautions are taken accidents happen anyway, so who cares! This type of mindset is bound to get you into trouble, no one’s safety should be left to chance. Be proactive, be thoughtful and make a plan; adopting this mindset will prevent many accidents from happening. 

Myth 3: Safety is a choice
Safety is not a choice, it is a fundamental and legal requirement of workplaces. If you decide not to follow health and safety protocols outlined by the government you are risking being fined and potentially closed down, completely putting you out of business. So, if you haven’t got the gist by now, health and safety is definitely something worth investing in. 

Myth 4: PPE is substantial protection
Don’t get us wrong, personal protective equipment is absolutely necessary and super helpful in protecting you from hazards BUT it is not substantial protection. Why? Because although it can protect you from hurting yourself, it won’t prevent accidents from happening. PPE is one aspect of the safety protocol, it should be used in conjunction with machine guards, safety barriers, access control and safe working practices. 

What Next? 
Now, you may be wondering, how do I change the minds of the employees? It’s simple, get people on board with following the process and protocols or implement penalties for misbehaviour. Their incompetence and inability to follow the rules is not worth the accidents that could happen, or the life that could be taken from a potential accident. 

After reading this blog, if you’ve realised you are in need of safety equipment and need to up your game, head to Workplace Pedestrian Safety to find everything you need.
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