The Saiyan Lamp
Description: This prototype is an interactive lamp inspired by the hit series named Dragonball. The lamp displays a model of the main character (Goku) hoisted on a base that has all 7 dragonballs from the story. The Lamps functions as an asthetic addition to ones living space. When the lamp is connected to a power source, the phrase "hey its me Goku" plays out of the connected speaker. Subsequently the the light embeded inside of Goku's hair illuminates. The user is now given the option to pressd a button  that changes the hair color, a button that plays music on the SD card randomly, or touch the individual dragonballs resulting in their own individual illumination.
User Testing: Overall I got a positive reaction to my design. I tested with people who loved dragonball, never heard about dragonball, and knew just enough about it. A lot of the positive remarks included things like the general asthetic, the creativity, and the depth of the functionality. One User was very happy about the music player that would play an intro to the show.
On the contrary my users did have some suggestions. One user stated that if the balls were able to stay on just a little longer after being touched it would be awesome. Two other users main critique was the visibility of the board and wires from a few angles.
Users rated my project on average about 9.5/10.
Breif Steps:

Step 1 - Research components that I would need to bring my project to life.
Step 2 - Sketch out my idea and research 3D models that I could edit and use and add to my raw design.
Step 3 - 3D print a scaled down version of the base of my project.
Step 4 - Develop an effective capacitive touch sensor that works with printed base.
Step 5 - Print large base and transfer touch sensor system from small base to large base.
Step 6 - Connect Neopixels to the bottom of the base and have them light up in relation to the capacitive touch sensors.
Step 7 - Create the sound player system and upload music to it via SD card.
Step 8 - 3D print the top half peices of the prototype.
Step 9 - Connect more Neopixels to top half and have them react to a button.
Step 10 - Combine all commponents together.
Step 11 - Paint.

The Saiyan Lamp

The Saiyan Lamp


Creative Fields