"That's Logan" A story of Passion
I began working on a series pitch called "That's Logan" between the years of 2021 and 2022, dedicating countless hours to developing the concept and bringing it to life.
The Comic
Initially, "That's Logan" started as a completed short comic, which served as the foundation and inspiration for the series pitch.
The Development
Inspired by the positive reception of the comic, I decided to expand it into a full-fledged passion project pitch, aiming to capture the essence of the original while adding depth and new ideas.
Throughout 2021 and 2022, I focused on creating detailed background and character concepts for the series, investing a lot of creativity and effort into building a rich and immersive world.
The Characters
The main cast of characters included Logan, Jenny, and Penny, each with unique traits and backstories that I carefully crafted to ensure they would resonate with the audience.
I developed early character designs, concept art, and numerous sketches, each iteration refining the vision and bringing more clarity to how the series would look and feel.
Despite my efforts and enthusiasm, the project was eventually cancelled, leaving behind a collection of completed content and a dream that was close to becoming reality.
Thank you for reading!

