Checkers Toys/Little Shop
Checkers' Little Shop promotion took South Africa by storm, with families flocking to their locals Checkers stores to try and complete their collections of mini groceries. The campaign was so successful (moving 14,5 million units in 4 weeks) that the supply of Little Shop groceries was running out long before expected.

We needed to find a way to build on the positive momentum of the campaign to remind customers (regular and new) that even though Little Shop is done - they don't have to change where they shop to keep the kids happy. Because Checkers has a wide selection of toys at market competitive prices.

In each ad we show scenarios where popular character-toys interact with relevant Little Shop groceries underwritten with quirky lines telling people that at Checkers, the fun is far from over.   

Featured line:
Vadertjie tog, Little Shop is verby - maar nie die pret nie.

Direct translation:
Oh no, Little Shop is done - but the fun isn't.

The expression (used to convey disappointment) makes use of the diminutive for of "Father" which in Afrikaans is the same as the Dutch word "Vader" which is where Darth Vader's name comes from.
Featured Line:
As jou ore gespits was, weet jy seker klaar Little Shop is verby - maar die pret is beslis nie.

Direct Translation:
If your ears were pointed, you probably already know little shop is over - but the fun sure isn't.

"Point your ears" or "having your ears pointed" are forms of an Afrikaans expression which means "to pay attention" or "listen carefully" much like a person who has "ears like a bat".
Checkers Toys

Checkers Toys

Checkers Toys and Little Shop


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