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Captain America Illustration

My Captain America Illustration produced in Adobe Photoshop.
 Below are a few screenshots of the steps taken to produce my Captain America Illustration in Photoshop. Basically all I used is the pen tool and gaussian blur and the odd time the smudge tool and nothing else, NO WACOM PEN! Just a normal mouse and lots of shapes :) I know what illustrators will be saying why not just use Illustrator, well I like Illustrator and I have done lots illustrations in the software, but I carn’t help but think the effects are a bit to mechanical you want a perfect brush stroke you can get it, but like drawing with a pencil not every line is perfect. So I kinda like photoshops more fluid effects.
For more screenshots watch the time lapse video to see how the piece was put together

As always feel free to Appreciate, Comment and Follow :)

© Jonathan Topliss 2012

The images I create are FanArt and created for my own amusement and learning, and not for any kind of commercial gain. My art/site is in no way affiliated with the companies that own these characters. Any use/replication of them for commercial gain would probably be frowned on.
Captain America Illustration

Captain America Illustration

Captain America Illustration By Jonathan Topliss Produced in Photoshop using shapes and blurs
