This is the splash page on a comic that I'm working in when I have time (thus, unfortunatelly, very slowly). It's about a ship that carries messages through the space. In this page, the ship and her crew are waiting for their flight plan to be approved.
These are the ships around the space station. Each one of them has a story and a use, but this space is too small for explaining them all. There are luxury ships, single person ships, police ships, cargo ships... I think you can guess which is which.
Second page of the same story. Here, the characters are presented: the captain, the men of arms, the engineer and navigator, and the second-in-command. Here, they discuss if their plans are safe. They're not, of course.
I like to turn music into comics (look for the hashtag #turningmusicintocomics on Instagram). This is The Beach Boys' "Sloop John B". It's actually just a single page, sketched on pencil.
This little comic is a strip making a pun with the "when life gives you lemons" saying. Unfortunatelly, I think it works only in portuguese. Digital art.
This is another comic I'm working on. In it, I try to explain the scientific method. Pencil sketches, inked contours, but grays done digitally.

Here is a translation:

First Panel:
The girl: "Scientists are ugly nerds without social life, who are always in their labs dealing with things no one can understand."

Second Panel:
The girl: "They are super-intelligent and able to solve very difficult problems in a matter of seconds."
The scientist: "We have just one minute to break the military security system, hack the orientation system of the sattelite, and recalculate its orbit to collide with the asteroid! It's the only way to save the Earth!"
Small panel: "Biologist"

Third Panel:
The girl: "Government and big corporations use them to deceive and control people..."

Fourth Panel:
The girl: "But most of them end up getting mad and creating hellish contraptions to destroy the world."


Work I did and am doing with comics.
