The goal of the project was to imagine and design a minisite for Marvel Comics.

I based my entire minisite on the Marvel Civil War comic series, which, in a nutshell, pits two groups of superheroes against each other. One group becomes national fugitives, and the site is showing what a "most wanted" website for these criminals would look like.

The process involved being on - of all places - the FBI webpage. I found myself on there a lot, looking at specific pages and trying to find a balance between realism and this comic book world I was portraying. The idea finally came to me when I wasn't designing or researching at all. I was taking a study break and was playing Halo 4 with my friends when I realized the inspiration for my site was right there in front of me. The interface of the Halo games is the look and feel I was going for in my website design. I was reminded then that a designer should feed themselves with knowledge of other things, not just design - even if those other things include video games.

I designed everything except for the images and the game screenshot. Everything else (all UI, even the video game interface) was designed by myself.
All imagery belongs to Marvel Comics.
Marvel Minisite

Marvel Minisite

The goal of the project was to imagine and design a minisite for Marvel Comics. I based my entire minisite on the Marvel Civil War comic serie Read More



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