Cheng Ling Wei's profile

Disney XD Malaysia

Tamago Studio ™ 
Hi, I’m Lingwei, I’m a freelance Multimedia designer & Digital Art and I’m a keen learner with a great passion about the work I do. My main skills reside in general design /web/ Idea. I’m capable of doing the ‘quirky’ fun style of work but I’m also fully experienced in doing corporate websites/branding so don’t be too put off! Detailing is something I take pride in with my work, the small finishing touches can really bring out the final experience! I’m keen to do more projects with motion.
I’m available for freelance work, or if you would like to employ me please use the contact section!
If you would like to see my CV then please email me and say Hi! =)
Disney XD Malaysia
- A compendium of programmes targeting mainly Malay and Chinese 14-year-old Boys
- Naturally, we include the girls, too!
Programmes zoom in on self-discovery, a sense of accomplishment and achievement
- Disney XD challenges these boys … in a positive manner
- Disney XD is a journey of self-discovery
- Most of all, the channel is both Premium and Modern looking
The Target Insight
Generation-Z / Gen-Z
The 10 commandments of Generation ‘Z’ 
#1 Thou shalt always be connected 
As the first generation of the 21st century, the Gen Z kids have not known a world without broadband and wireless Internet and few of them will grow up without a PC online in their own home. In fact, the amount of information, recreation and social networking that takes place in cyberspace today
#2 Thou shalt always be mobile 

Between 80 and 90 per cent of high school students have mobile phones, and more than 20 per cent of primary school-aged kids have regular access to a mobile phone. Gen-Z themselves are far more likely to find a mobile as a status symbol and social tool.
#3 Thou shalt use computers at work  
The ability to use a computer is already a basic work requirement in the eyes of earlier generations – but for Generation Z, being digitally proficient will have become assumed knowledge. The general Gen-Z population cannot function sans a computer
#4 Thou shalt use computers at play 
Gaming is the main reason that kids go online today. Around 65 per cent of Gen Z-ers participate in online gaming at least once a week. This means that Internet gaming comes second only to television viewing when it comes to the preferred recreational activities of today’s children. Considering the huge amount of social interaction that also takes place online for these little kiddies, you’ll realize that there’s an awful lot of cyber-fun and games going on.
#5 Thou shalt have many friends thou will never meet 
And, as far as Gen Z-ers go, you may as well be living under a rock if you don’t have at least 100 ‘friends’ online. Existing, as they do, in cyberspace, these friends can live in the next suburb, the next state, or on the next continent – it doesn’t really matter, as long as your interests are the same and your social networking spaces align. 
#6 Thou shalt have a second life 
Most kids who go online regularly use some kind of avatar (a digital likeness of themselves) as their representative in cyberspace. Virtues of the virtual world mean “a space for communication, interaction, fun and education”.  
#7 Thou shalt be ultra-independent 
Generation Z are primarily only children who are raised by older parents with greater disposable income and resources. Combine this with the reduced face-to-face socialization of these kids (due to computer use), and a strong community belief in the importance of self-determination, and you have some strong little solo acts growing up.
#8 Thou shalt multi-task  
Generation Z kids are experts at doing ten things at once. From birth they’re bombarded with information, a large amount of this from digital sources. Consequently, Gen Z-ers can absorb all the vital information and they can filter out the most insidious pieces of digital trash with a single click of a mouse.
#9 Thou shalt always be in demand 
From a social POV, Gen-Zers must socialise (virtually). They cannot fathom the idea of being a ‘social wallpaper’ – they hedge security in having many different social circles of friends who have different interests  
#10 Thou shalt invent a whole new language  
Every generation adopts a few choice words and slang terms that come to identify their image, era and lifestyle. The digital natives of Generation Z are taking this one step further. Combining communication tools, they have crafted the most cryptic lexicons like: SYHID (scratching your head in disbelief), @TEOTD (at the end of the day) & TMWFI (take my word for it)!
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Disney XD Malaysia

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